University researchs on refugees

A study on the psychological impact on Jordanian society and refugees considering precautionary measures to confront Corona.

The Center of the Refugees, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration studies at Yarmouk University conducted a survey on "the psychological impact on Jordanian society and refugees in light of the precautionary measures taken by the Jordanian government to limit the continuity of the spread of Corona virus" on a sample of the  society that included most of the kingdom's governorates.

The director of the center, Dr. Anas Al-Subuh, explained that the study conducted by the center through the research team by distributing an electronic questionnaire to a group of 376 respondents. The results showed that, 47.4% of the respondents were not very concerned about the continuing spread of Coronavirus in the Jordanian society. It also showed that 71.2% of the respondents had actually suffered from sleep disturbances during the previous period.

With regard to the extent of the sample members feeling intense fear and fear of working and distance learning, the results revealed that 53.6% of the participants have agreed with that, in addition to 56.3% of them answered that their feelings of disappointment have increased as a result of the continuation, interruption, or change in the work pattern of most vital sectors inside Jordan (such as Schools and universities).

He added that the results showed that 50.9% of the respondents had been dominated by lethargy and laziness during the last period as a result of the spread of the disease and the change in daily lifestyle, and that 53.9% of them affected the Corona pandemic on their mental health through its contribution to their recovery of bad memories, while what A rate of 77.3% showed their ability to adapt to the restrictions imposed on movement and curfews (partial and comprehensive) due to the continued spread of the virus and the emergence of the virus COVID-20.

Al-Subh pointed out that the study showed that 74.9% of respondents had the feeling of fear of being infected as a result of mixing, participating in deep social events, or traveling, and it also showed that 74.1% of them do not feel psychological comfort when entering public places where a group of people resides.

He indicated that, this study came in light of the exceptional circumstances that Jordan and the world are living in, as Jordan was one of the first countries to impose precautionary measures, such as a comprehensive and partial ban, community or home isolation, and a shift towards supporting distance education and using it as a means to continue engaging safely in the process. Education in schools and universities, the use of technological means in the various work sectors, and adherence to preventive and curative measures to counter the spread of the virus.

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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