Workshops and Symposiums

Workshops and Symposiums

Sym  posium Name

Symposium Date

"A Symposiums in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine titled 'Research in Refugee Health.'"


"The Refugee Center" has completed the development of its specialized scientific database on refugee and migration issues.


The Center holds a dialogue session on “The Future of Human Rights in Light of Israeli Violations and Aggression against Palestine”.


The Refugee Center holds a dialogue session under the patronage of" Sherifa Nofa bint

Nasser titled “Palestinian Women... A Story of Resilience.


Launching a pledge document to empower refugees and host communities


The Refugee Center" begins implementing a series of specialized training sessions as part of the Winter School activities.


"A series of events and activities will be held on the occasion of World Refugee Day."


Organizing a ceremony on the occasion of International Women's Day in cooperation with the Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women Studies and the International Relief Committee.


Organizing a symposium entitled “The Dangers of Extremism among Refugees: Reality and Challenges,” in cooperation with the Forsan Al-Slam.


Organizing a lecture entitled "Psychological Counseling Services between Theory and Practice" in cooperation with the Community Support Committees.


Organizing a training workshop, in cooperation with the International Relief Committee, under the title "Primary Psychosocial Services".


Organizing a seminar entitled "Refugees and Human Rights", in cooperation with the North Association for Sustainable Development.


Organizing a ceremony entitled "Economic Violence against Women: Reality and Challenges", in cooperation with the International Relief Committee.


Participation of the center in the activities of the open day within the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence, in cooperation with the International Relief Committee (IRC).


Participation of the Center in the exchange program on academic approaches - Germany.


Participation of the center in the Yarmouk International Week, organized by the Department of International Relations and Projects at Yarmouk University.

Graduating the participants of the second phase of the psychological support project, in cooperation with the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ). 24/10/2019
A lecture entitled Psychological and Social Support, presented by Dr. Ahmed Sharifin from the Counseling and Educational Psychology Department at Yarmouk University. 23/10/2019
A lecture entitled the consumption patterns of Syrian refugees in the country of asylum, presented by Dr. Alaa Al-Qudah from the Accounting Department at Yarmouk University. 22/10/2019

A symposium of the Japanese Initiative for the Future of Syrian Refugees 2020, and the announcement of the details of the grants offered by the Japanese initiative, in cooperation with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency.

16 / 10 /2019
A lecture on the occasion of the World Mental Health Day, in cooperation with the Syrian American Medical Association (SAMS). 14 / 10 /2019
Presenting students' projects within the psychological support project. 10 /10 /2019
A workshop in cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, entitled "Causes of Migration and the Future of Syria". 8 + 9 / 10 /2019

Final National Interest Dialogue entitled "Higher Education and the Syria Crisis: A Look Back and Look to the Future" in cooperation with HOPES.

3 / 10 /2019
A specialized course in French (beginner level) within the activities of the Refugee Psychological Support Unit R-SOS Unit.



A specialized course in Spanish language (beginner level) within the activities of the Refugee Psychological Support Unit R-SOS Unit.



A specialized course in the German language (beginner level) within the activities of the R-SOS Unit for Refugee Psychological Support.



A lecture on the occasion of World Refugee Day, entitled “Syrian refugees in the United States of America, difficulties after arrival,” given by Dr. Jamil Al-Wekhayan from Kent University, USA.


participation of the center in training workshops on some issues of concern to refugees and how to deal with them, organized by the Union of Mediterranean Universities (UNIMED) within the (RESCUE) project funded by the European Union.


Organizing an introductory meeting about scholarship opportunities in Germany for interested students, and included a presentation made by the volunteer at the Larissa Par Center, the most important grants available for the master's and doctoral levels, and the basic requirements and conditions for these grants. Also, during the presentation, a set of important advice was provided to students wishing to study. In German universities, in the R. SOS Unit for Refugees. 3-6-2019
The Center for Refugees, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration Studies hosted Miss Sarah Farouqa, representative of the Japanese Embassy, ​​to present an introductory session in Arabic about the Japanese Government’s scholarship for Jordanian and Syrian students at the R. SOS Unit. 29-5-2019

Holding an introductory meeting for the Stakeholders about the social and psychological support project.



Participation in the conference organized by Hopes-Madad, entitled "Higher Education and the Syria Crisis Whats Next" in Amman.


participation of the center in the annual meeting of the Council of the Union of Mediterranean Universities (UNIMED), which was held in Brussels.


Hosting and attending a group of students from the Refugee, Health and Humanitarian Work Program for a scientific lecture entitled "Asylum Policies" under the supervision of Dr. Bayan Abdelhak, Academic Director of the Refugee, Health and Humanitarian Work Program, as part of the "Refugees, Health and Humanitarian Action" program.

Holding two workshops on psychological trauma presented by Dr. Wagdy Al-Fakhoury from the University of San Francisco. 23-2-2019
Holding a lecture entitled “Psychosocial effects on refugees as a result of the asylum process” presented by Dr. Jihad Hamad, member of the faculty at Western University. 19-2-2019

Participating in the international workshop organized by the Columbia International Center, by presenting a research paper entitled "Employment of Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Opportunities and Challenges."

Holding a workshop at the center entitled "Ethical Research Practices in Studies of Forced Migration" for researcher Dr. Maryam Twigt, targeting graduate students at the university. 9-2-2019
Attending a seminar in Amman on graduate studies issues and problems for Syrian refugee students, at the invitation of the Hopes regional program director 30-1-2019

Attending the Educational Challenge Conference (Identifying Obstacles and Seizing Opportunities in Higher Education for Syrian Refugees in Jordan) at the University of Jordan, organized by the Center for Strategic Studies.


Attending the event titled "The Performance of Construction Companies in Human Rights in Jordan and Lebanon", organized by the Phoenix Center for Economic Studies and Informatics.

Participating with the University of Hamburg / Germany to implement a survey study within an international project that includes Germany and the Arab Republic of Egypt 29-11-2018

Holding a workshop at the center entitled "Ethical Research Practices in Studies of Forced Migration" by Dr. Maryam Twigt, and targeted interested members of the faculty at the university.


Holding a series of seminars specialized in issues of asylum, displacement and forced migration in terms (social, economic, political, legal, literary and media) in cooperation with the Faculties of Arts, Economics and Administrative Sciences at the university, in the conferences and seminars building.

Participation in organizing the art exhibition for Syrian refugees, "Bird of Dreams", in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in cooperation with the International Relief and Development Organization (IRD) and the College of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 21-11-2018

Attending a seminar at the German University headquarters on the issues and problems facing Syrian students in relation to foreign language courses, within the Hopes-Madad regional program implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


Attending a seminar at the University of Jordan on the issues and problems facing Syrian students in higher education institutions, within the Hopes-Madad regional program implemented by the German Academic Exchange Authority (DAAD).


Hosting the American researcher, Jennifer Claire Olmsted, and holding a lecture on the forced and voluntary migrations of Palestinians, "Palestinian Globalization-Forced and Voluntary Migartion" in the seminar building.


Holding a course related to psychosocial support at the center for a number of Jordanian and Syrian students within the project submitted by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).



The Center’s participation in the conference “Employment, Education and Housing in Jordan: The Effects of the Syrian Refugee Influx” by the Economic and Social Council and the Economic Research Forum with the Department of Statistics. Amman.


Participation of the Center with a working paper "Regional Challenges and the Jordanian Role in Responding to the Syrian Refugee Crisis" / Board of Trustees of the International Institute for West and East Security Studies, Amman.


The center organized a workshop under the patronage of His Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, entitled “A new model for sustainable and integrated local development for host communities and refugee camps: Zaatari camp in Jordan as a case study in cooperation with the International Cooperation Agency of the Dutch Federation of Municipalities VNG.”


Organizing a Workshop titled "A New Model for Sustainable and Integrated Local Development for Host Communities and Refugee Camps: Zaatari Camp in Jordan as a Case Study" in cooperation with the International Cooperation Agency of the Dutch Federation of Municipalities (VNG).


The Center held an international workshop at the University of Hamburg in Germany, in cooperation with the University of Hamburg and Cairo University, entitled: An international multidisciplinary workshop on violence, asylum and trauma resulting from the Arab Spring revolutions.


Organizing a Workshop of the main partners, community-based psychosocial support in the context of forced migration, an advanced training course at Yarmouk University.


Post-traumatic stress disorder among Syrian refugee children in Zaatari camp.


Preparing a summary of educational policies and skills development related to refugees prepared for the 20th Leaders' Summit.


Articles of the Second International Conference on Refugees in the Middle East, Human Security: Commitments of the International Community and the Role of Host Communities.


Educational challenges facing Syrian refugees and conflicts of interest.


Preparing the minutes of the round table meeting the role of the private sector and the investment sector in providing job opportunities for Syrian refugees.


Anti-personal Landmine and its Relation to Forced Migration


Cultural Diferences and is Relationship to Mental Disorder among Refugees: Candian Model


Seminar of Syrian Refuge: Challenges and Opportunities


A symposium of “The Refugee Women: Reality and Achievements”

16th August 2016

A workshop about “Migration Management and Dealing with Refugees”, in the collaborating with the Ministry of Interior.

22th May 2016

A symposium dedicated to releasing the final results of a survey, conducted by the Center, entitled by: “Jordanians’ Perceptions of the Spillovers of the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

15th and 16th of March, 2016

A symposium about “The Refugee and Displacement Crisis in a Changing World”

7th May 2015

A symposium entitled by: “Refugees in Jordan: Challenges and Policies”.

During the 5th-10th of May, 2015

An international conference about: “Refugees, Security and Continuous Development in The Middle East: The Need of North-South Discussion”.

10th of March, 2015

A symposium of “The Political and Security Dimensions of the Syrian Refugees Issue” under the sponsorship of his excellency, Dr. Abed Al- Raoof Rawabdeh, the president of the House of Notables.An elite of Jordanian politicians, and parliamentarians.

5th of May, 2015, at Yarmouk University.

An intensive course for students of the graduate studies in three Swedish universities (Lund, Gothenburg and Linnaeus), entitled by “Applications in Migration and Refugees Studies”, held within the period of (5th-10th May, 2015) for the second year in sequence, in the collaboration framework of Yarmouk and Lund Universities.

28th of April, 2014 at Yarmouk University.

A symposium of “ The Social Class, Poverty and Unemployment in the Refugees and displaced Persons’ camps”, under the sponsorship of his excellency, the Minister of Social Development.

24th April, 2014 and 5th July, 2014 at Yrmouk University

A symposium about “The Health and Medical Effects of Refugee Crisis in Jordan”, where representatives of the Jordanian government and international associations supervising the refugees care, in addition to experts from the relief and remedial bodies, talked about the consequences of refugees crisis development in Jordan.

From 10th to 11th of December, 2013, at Yrmouk University

A symposium under the title: “The Refuge and the Future of comprehensive security in the Middle East” in collaboration with Al-Hayat Center for developing the civil community, where nine lecturers from within the Kingdom and abroad participated in this symposium covering the pollitical, economic and social diminshins of the comprehensive security and refugees issues, in their lectures.

13th of February, 2013.

A symposium entitled by: “Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Reality and Expectation”, in the collaborating with the International Commission for Relief.

19th of March, 2013.

An intensive course for students of the graduate studies in three Swedish universities (Lund, Gothenburg and Linnaeus), entitled by “Applications in Migration and Refugees Studies”, held within the period of (5th-10th May, 2015) in the collaboration framework of Yarmouk and Lund Universities.

From 20th to 22th of June, 2013

A Conference of “The Refugees in the Arab Arena: the Hosting Communities and the Obscure Distany”, with the participation of officals, reseachers and academicians, from the Jordanian Kingdom and other eight countries: USA, UK, Bahrain, Qatar, Algeria, Yamen, Nigeria and Lebanon.

20th of June, 2012

A symposium about “The Refugees Crisis, Human Rights and the Political Changes in the Arab Refugees Issue”, in collaboration with the Center of Middle Eastern Studies/Lund University.

13th of March, 2012

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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