Vision & mission


  Our Focus

The university's interest in the field of refugees began with the establishment of the Refugee Studies Programme in 1992. Subsequently, the centre was founded in 1997, becoming the first centre in the Arab region and the Middle East specialised in issues of asylum, displacement, and forced migration.

  Our Vision

A leading centre at the regional and international levels in qualitative studies and research, supporting decision-makers and researchers in refugee and migration issues. Our aim is to improve the quality of life for refugees and build a better future for them by meeting their needs in various social, educational, health, and human rights fields. We also implement sustainable projects through effective partnerships with local and international organisations that support this vision, which aims to provide a dignified life where every refugee or displaced person finds safety, dignity, and a fair opportunity to rebuild their lives wherever they may be.

  Our Mission      

A non-profit academic research centre at Yarmouk University, specialising in issues of asylum, displacement, and forced migration. It addresses and tackles various social issues related to refugees through conducting research, policy papers and surveys, as well as implementing developmental projects aimed at improving the environment and lives of refugees. The centre strives to achieve a positive and sustainable impact that meets the needs of refuges and contributes to social justice and comprehensive development

  Our Objectives

Conduct pioneering research, advocate for the rights of refugees and displaced persons, and promote collaborative solutions to address the global challenges of forced migration. To achieve this, we aim to:

  • Conduct Comprehensive Research and Studies: Analyse and study issues related to refugees, displaced persons, and forced migration to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and needs.
  • Develop Strategic Partnerships: Establish partnerships with local and international organisations to enhance collaboration and joint efforts to improve the environment for refugees.
  • Implement Development Projects: Design and execute comprehensive development projects that address all aspects of refugees' lives and meet their basic needs.
  • Strengthen Community Capacities: Support host communities and refugees through training and educational programmes aimed at building capacity and achieving self-reliance.
  • Raise Awareness and Influence: Increase awareness of refugee issues and influence public policy through research and media activities.
  • Evaluate and Monitor: Conduct periodic evaluations of the centre’s projects to ensure that goals are being met and provide recommendations for continuous improvement.
  • Expand Scope: The centre’s work covers issues related to refugees, displaced persons, and forced migration at both the local and international levels to achieve a broader and more comprehensive impact.

     Our Values 

·    Tolerance and Coexistence.
·    Respect for the opinion of others.
·    Equality and Justice.
·    Teamwork.
·    Credibility and transparency.
     Our Slogan
 Bridging Borders, Restoring Lives                                                



The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

Contact Us

  •  Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  96227211111
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   فاكس : 0096227211193

   البريد الالكنروني :

   العنوان : جامعة اليرموك , اربد, الأردن