Message of Director


 Dr. Ruba Al-Akash 

Director of the Cente

Working with and for Refugees

Since its establishment, the Refugees, Displaced Persons, and Forced Migration Studies Center has aimed to conduct and implement national and international projects related to refugee issues. Some of these projects include holding national and international conferences, implementing psychological and social support projects, establishing the Student Support Unit, to mention a few. (RDFMSC)  pursues its future plan through attracting support for various projects and building effective partnerships that serve its goals and enhance its role in serving refugees and addressing their issues.

Recently, however, we faced a challenge imposed on us by the global pandemic which exacerbated deep-affected social, health, educational, and economic problems on the refugees in all host communities and camps. Covid-19, on the other hand, has disproportionally placed great pressure on governments of host countries, and has required them to have an effective role in weighing the impact and limiting the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees. (RDFMSC) has taken the initiative to exercise its roles to mitigate these effects and to anticipate the future of refugees in host communities, especially in light of this pandemic.

By the end of 2021,  (RDFMSC) has taken the opportunity to activate its national and regional role by, for example, holding its activities through remote communication techniques. The center’s team has also formed a wide research network of elite professors from Yarmouk University and Jordanian universities in order to conduct qualitative and quantitative research related to refugees and forcibly displaced persons. Its research priority also includes conducting surveys and policy papers , which will provide other interested researchers and  decision makers with an overview of  refugee issues and  problems, targeted analysis, and, actionable recommendations.

The center’s main axes that will be among its priorities in the next stage are presented as follows:

  • Conducting policy research that supports national plans and the decision making in issues and policies related to immigration and refugees.
  • Attracting projects that address refugees needs especially in the event of their return to their countries and their role in reconstructing their countries
  • Developing the capacities of the center’s staff and increasing the efficiency of their functional outputs
  • Developing the center’s legal and institutional structure.Working on bridging the gap between refugee communities and the center
  • Collaborating with local institutions and different partners in the areas related to refugees
  • Enhancing inclusion between host communities and refugees through medium-term initiatives and plans, creating a suitable environment for refugee and enhancing their roles in the host community.
  • Training young refugees and members of the host communities and qualifying them with skills that meet the demands of the labor market.
  • Building a comprehensive national database for and about refugees in various fields.

Seeking to work with all partners to develop the main axes of the plan and areas of interest of the concerned authorities, the center has also started building its work plan for the year 2022 in addition to building a comprehensive strategic plan for the next 5 years. We believe we have the expertise and competencies that qualify us to implement all projects directed at refugees. We seek, as well, to build broad alliances and partnerships to collaborate together ,inside and outside Jordan, to address refugees needs in light of  Yarmouk University’s vision, objectives, and educational, national and societal roles. The support of Yarmouk University’s administration to the center’s activities and initiatives is clear as it follows up, directs and supports the center and its team.

Finally, we will work with you in order to follow our aim and to foreground the center’s slogan for the next stage: "Together We Can"

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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  •  96227211111
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