
An Overview


The Refugee Student Support Unit (R-SOS) was established as one of the results of the "Rescue" project, which aims to build the capacity of partner universities in the target countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq) to meet the needs of refugee students with the participation of several European universities from Italy, Spain, Germany and Turkey. the official opening of the unit was during April of the year 2019, then it begins to provide its services that aim to provide the necessary support to students in their academic life, life and social skills to help them enter the labor market in a worthy and easy way, and to hold training programs aimed at refining their skills and preparing them for professional and psychological preparation, in order to ensure their involvement In the labor market, helping to provide resources for learning English and basic sciences, organizing professional courses such as learning CV writing, organizing student activities, assisting students and directing them towards available grants, and assisting them in filling out grant applications

The unit is affiliated with its organizational structure to the Center for Studies of Refugees, Displaced. Persons and Forced Migration at the university, and under the direct supervision of the center's employees who have been qualified through their participation in several internal and external trainings that would contribute to enhancing their capabilities to provide the necessary services for medicine to the fullest.

The unit also includes a special laboratory that contains many advanced devices and equipment, which facilitates the holding of activities and workshops needed by students and is consistent with the goals and services provided to them.

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

Contact Us

  •  Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  yarmouk@yu.edu.jo
  •  96227211111
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هاتف : 027211111 (4201)

   فاكس : 0096227211193

   البريد الالكنروني : law.fac@yu.edu.jo

   العنوان : جامعة اليرموك , اربد, الأردن