
Announcement for students who have applied to study in the departments of the Faculty of Fine Arts

The students who have applied for admission to study in the departments of the Faculty of Fine Arts (Design, Plastic Arts, Drama, and Music) through the systems (Competition, Parallel, Sons of employees, and Jordanians Abroad) for the first semester of the academic year 2022/2023 must come to the Faculty of Fine Arts to submit the Artistic Abilities Test at 9 am on Sunday 25/9/2022.

Please note:

First: Applicants for the test must bring an identification card (civil status ID).

Second: Applicants for the test must bring the following tools:

  1. Applicants for the design specialization:

Drawing tools (pencil, ruler, eraser, sharpener and wooden crayons)

  1. Applicants for the plastic arts:

 Drawing tools (pencil, eraser, sharpener and wooden crayons).

  1. Applicants for the specialization of drama:
  • Preparation of a short acting scene not exceeding five minutes.
  • Familiarity with the following: general culture, theatrical culture, voice and speech (speech, poetry or singing), personality and fitness.
  1. Applicants for the specialization of music:

Brining the musical instrument played by the student, except for those who wish to play the piano, contra bus and cello as these instruments will be provided by the faculty for the test purposes.

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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  •  Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  96227211111
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