
Extending the applications for the parallel undergraduate programs for the first semester 2022-2023 (Jordanians)

Yarmouk University announces the extension of the admission applications for the bachelor's degree in the parallel program for the first semester 2022/2023 for Jordanian students who have received high school or equivalent as of Monday 22-8-2022 till Sunday 18-9-2022. Students can pay the application fees through any branch of Cairo Amman Bank in the Kingdom or through Fawateercom until Tuesday 20-9-2022; students should follow up their e-mails used in their applications in addition to the university website in order to follow up their applications. Any non-eligible application will be cancelled.

First: conditions for admission:

Minimum admission:

(85%) in medicine

(80%) In engineering & Pharmacy.

(75%) In the Faculty of Sharia.

(70%) in nursing

(65%) others.

- Achieving a minimum admission rate does not mean acceptance since the vacancy should be available.

- Applicants for the disciplines of the Faculty of Arts are subjected to an abilities test to be announced later.

- Applicants for the physical education major are subjected to the medical examination scheduled by the Faculty of Physical Education.

 Second: documents required at the time of acceptance (not refunded):

1. The equation of the high school certificate from the Jordanian Ministry of Education and a copy of the transcript for students who have non-Jordanian high school that needs to be equated, or the original high school certificates certified by the Jordanian Ministry of Education for certificates that do not need to be equated.

2. personal photo (4*6) cm.

Third: Admission fee (not refundable except insurance fee) :

the parallel program:

 1. (25) JD application fee paid upon application.

2. (170) JD acceptance fee.

3. (135) JD service fees paid with fees of study hours.

(330) JD total admission fees and services.

 Fourth: the University fees for the new student in the parallel program are refunded in the following cases:

90% of only the approved hour fees and the damage (insurance) refunds are refunded if the student withdraws from the university during the first week of his acceptance date at the university.

75% of only the approved hour fees and the damage (insurance) refunds are refunded only if the student withdraws from the university during the second week of his acceptance date at the university.

50% of the approved hour fees only if the student withdraws from the university during the third week of his acceptance date at the university

25% of only the approved hour fees and the damage (insurance) refunds are refunded only if the student withdraws from the university during the fourth week of his acceptance date at the university.

In cases where the student is accepted then he withdraws from the university after the end of fourth week of his acceptance date at the university, only the damage (insurances) refunds are refunded.

 Fifth: to apply, click here

 Sixth: To figure out the fee per hour for majorsclick here.


Director of the Dept. of Admission and Registration

Khaled AlHammouri

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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