
Applications for Artistic Excellence are open

 The Deanship of Student Affairs at Yarmouk University announces that the applications for the artistic excellence for the academic year 2022/2023 are now open from Tue. 23 August 2022 until Thursday 15/ 9/2022 in the following areas:

- Playing all musical instruments (except piano) for males and females.

- Singing for males and females.

- Folklore for males and females.

- Playing popular instruments (Shababa, Mijwiz, Qerba, Rababa, Semsemia, and Drums).

- Theater acting for males and females.

- Drawing for males and females.

- required documents:

1. original high school transcript or a certified copy of it, provided that the average is not less than 65%.

2. A certificate of artistic excellence from the school, certified by the Directorate of Education to which the school belongs, or a certificate of artistic excellence from one of the governmental art centers or teams certified by the ministry to which this center or technical group belongs.

3. A certificate of good behavior from the school, certified by the same school.

4. A financial receipt of (5) dinars from the financial department at Yarmouk University for students who applied for the unified admission to universities with a copy of the financial receipt voucher for the request for unified admission, or a financial receipt of (10) dinars from the financial department of Yarmouk University for students who did not submit an application for the unified admission of universities.

5. Two personal photos.

6. Birth certificate or a certified copy of it with the national number affixed.

7. A valid disease-free certificate from the Ministry of Health.

8. Students of previous years in the high school have the right to submit an application for the artistic excellence, provided that the age of the applicant does not exceed (20) years with a high school certificate not exceeding three years.

Applications are submitted at Yarmouk University/ Deanship of Student Affairs / Student Activity Center on the ground floor.

For inquiries, please call the university phone number (7211111) sub (3606) (3058) (3090) or (2049) or visit the university's website at (

- The dates of the artistic excellence exam

the dates of the artistic excellence exam for the academic year 2022/2023 will be on Monday and Tuesday 19-20/9/2022, as follows in the Student Activity Center at the Deanship of Student Affairs/ground floor:

  • The theater exam for males and females on Monday 9/19/2022 from 9:00 a.m.
  • The drawing exam for males and females on Monday 9/19/2022 from 9:00 a.m.
  • Folklore singing and playing exams for females on Monday 9/19/2022 from 9:00 a.m.
  • An exam for folklore, singing and playing for males on Tuesday 20/9/2022 from 9:00 a.m.
  • All students who apply for the artistic excellence must attend the examination date at the time and place specified above, bringing with them the following:

1. Civil status ID or proof of identity.

2. The musical instruments they want to play.

3. Attend in person without escorts.

Note: Anyone who fails to meet the deadlines specified will have his application cancelled and will forfeit his right to the exams.

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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  •  96227211111
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