
Yarmouk" ... organizes "remotely" its fourth international conference on refugees

Yarmouk University, and through the Center for Studies of Refugees, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration, is organizing the Fourth International Conference on Refugees entitled “Protracted displacement - hopes, aspirations and solutions? - Governance - Social Dimension - Education”, in cooperation with the German Jordanian University (GJU) and the Foundation for Academics in German Solidarity ( AiS), the Syrian / Jordanian Education Project (EDU-Syria), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


The conference, which will be held in two periods, the first on (19-20) October, and the second on (3 and 17) next November, through remote visual communication technology due to the repercussions of the new Corona virus pandemic, will address the main issues and challenges related to the fate of refugees, and addressing And strengthen the responses of each of the refugee host communities in contexts of protracted displacement.

 Participants in the conference will also present what both refugees and their host communities need, mental health needs, the role of social work, governments and their institutions, and civil society institutions in supporting and caring for refugees.

 The conference will be attended by academics, researchers and specialists from various countries of the Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine), Turkey, and countries from North America such as the United States of America and Canada.

It is mentioned that participation in the conference will be free of charge, and more information and details about it can be found on the following website.


The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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