
Developing advanced expertise to design tailored attention and inclusion strategies for highly vulnerable people in forced displacement.

Developing advanced expertise to design tailored attention and inclusion strategies for highly vulnerable people in forced displacement:

Institutions and organisations providing services to immigrants are not always aware of all the vulnerability factors that shape their needs. A careful evaluation of possible strategies for the attention, reception, and settlement of vulnerable migrants is necessary. These strategies must be based on up-to-date research results and good practices and adapted to specific contexts.

RAISD’s novel approach to migration aims at developing Tailored Attention and Inclusion Strategies (TAIS).

TAIS are being designed, implemented and evaluated in seven participating countries to respond to the specific needs of one of the vulnerable groups detected after carrying out interviews with vulnerable individuals, stakeholder interviews, Action Research Unit meetings, analysis of previous good practices and desktop research.

National teams from Finland, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Spain, Turkey including consortium member partners, civil society organizations, specialists, and activists of the Action Research Units (ARUs) develop the TAIS as pilot activities.


RAISD capacity building training available on our Learning Space:

During the last two years, RAISD designed a participatory action research approach based on Responsible Research and Innovation framework to detect suitable strategies for the attention and inclusion of forcibly displaced people. In this regard, the project partners designed specific training to build on the staff’s capacity when working at the Action Research Units and committed to implementing the inclusion strategies for selected vulnerable groups.

The training opportunities were intended to support inclusion actors to gain knowledge and skills on a wide range of topics that they might need in their path towards innovative attention and inclusion strategies, tailored upon the vulnerability context in which they operate.


The 7 training Modules include 13 different session approaching essential issues for professionals and researchers working with highly vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced - ethical issue, gender equity aspects, psychological support and trauma management.


RAISD’s training modules are freely available on RAISD Learning Space and open to all researchers and professionals who want to develop advanced expertise to effectively analyse specific challenges and needs of the targeted vulnerable groups or update their skills to implement suitable and evidence-based strategies to promote the involvement and inclusion of the vulnerable groups.


Here is an overview of the training modules you can find in RAISD Learning Space.

Discover RAISD Learning Space

Updates from RAISD knowledge community:

RAISD knowledge community met online on June 10th for the second Cross-Analysis Workshop, aiming at gathering critical viewpoints on tailored attention and inclusion strategies assumptions, actors’ involvement as well as on design and implementation processes.

The workshop was organized to further improve methodological aspects within and around the local attention and inclusion strategies for Highly Vulnerable Groups affected by forced displacement.

It was an excellent opportunity to share the experiences of the ARU members and all the professionals involved in the process, focusing on the future adaptation of the methodology to new scenarios and the  involvement of vulnerable groups in the decision-making process.










The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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