
Refugees Center "Organizes a Consultative Session to Develop its Strategic Plan for 2022-2024"

On behalf of Yarmouk University President, Prof. Islam Massad, the director of Refugees, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration Studies Center, Dr. Reem Al-Kharouf, sponsored the consultative session to develop the Medium-Term Strategic Plan for 2022-2024," for Refugees Centre". This session was held with a participation of a set of national and international organizations and agencies, in the circular hall of the seminar and conference building. 


Al-kharouf said in her opening statement that this consultative session intended to communicate and interact with the university and center's partners. Also, it intended to discuss and develop the suggested strategic plan for the Center's work over the next three years. This stems from Yarmouk University’s belief that the active partnership is the headline of the center's work in order to serve asylum issues and to work with the refugees.


She added that Yarmouk University looks at the refugee-related issues as a message that the Hashemites believed in. It is not a matter of welfare or temporary need for the Jordanian society which has been a safe haven for all needy and grieved since our precious homeland was founded. 

Al-Kharouf assured that this workshop and its outcomes including insights and recommendations towards the center's plan and activities according to a solid scientific approach, is based on constant work and assessment, will be appreciated and taken into consideration in the work of the center and its aspirations. It will be a qualitative addition in the center’s activities and programs in the coming days in order to achieve a new picture of working on refugee’s issues and addressing all the issues associated with them by research and study.


Al-Kharouf also presented, on the margins of the session, the most prominent features of the medium-term strategic plan for 2022-2024 in the work of the Center which are represented by research, studies and opinion polls, by creating a network of researchers and a research database, and attracting a number of these volunteer researchers from Jordan, neighboring and European countries to participate in the scientific studies that belong to refuge issues.


 As for the human resources, al-Kharouf said that the center's vision in this aspect is based on identifying staff training needs and setting up a training plan such as training the center's staff on English language skills, scientific research and project writing skills.


 She pointed out that the center's strategic plan also includes administrative and technical development and Networking, building partnerships and relations between public-private sectors and organizations. This happens through cooperation agreements, implementation of joint projects, programs, activities and events.


  She added that the plan also includes support for the administrative and technical decision of the center by establishing a database for refugees and displaced persons, and preparing a semi-annual statistical bulletin, in addition to preparing policy paper based on the results of studies, research, surveys and round tables.


 Regarding the focus of awareness and media outreach, al-Kharouf noted that this focus is based on creating social networking sites for asylum cases, taking interest in the news that related to asylum issues, displacement and forced migration and holding seminars, lectures and conferences on asylum issues. In addition to the newsletter on asylum issues.


 During the recommendations session which moderated by Dr. Alaa Al-Makhzoumi of the Faculty of Education and Dr. Lara Haddad of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, participants have recommended the need to strengthen institutional partnerships and to benefit from individual experiences within and outside the University and to Build a special educational model in the field of asylum, migrations and crises in general.


 Participants also have recommended the need to sustain activities and consultative sessions with relevant voluntary entities to discuss the objectives and the plans, to study the labor market, refine the skills of refugees and integrate them with the host community, to build international partnerships and to inform the center's staff about successful experiences in other countries and centers.

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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