
The International Conference on Refugees resumes its sessions at Yarmouk University from a distance

The activities of the second period of the International Refugee Conference on Protracted Displacement have resumed in its second part, organized by Yarmouk University via remote visual communication technology, through the Center for Studies of Refugees, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration entitled "Protracted displacement - hopes, aspirations and solutions", in cooperation with the German Jordanian University and the Education Program The Syrian-Jordanian, Academics Program in Solidarity at the Free University of Berlin, the German Agency for International Cooperation, the German Agency for Scientific Exchange, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and with the support of the German University Project Office at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and the European Union.

In its three sessions, which were held simultaneously, the conference dealt with many themes and issues related to asylum and displacement issues and their implications.

In the first session, moderated by Dr. Diaa Abu Tair, from the German Jordanian University, it was titled Labor Market Integration, Social Benefits and Entrepreneurship, in which Dua Jarrar - Alexander Lamflossi College of Economics, Sopron University, Hungary, spoke through a practical paper carried Title insights on working conditions for Syrian refugees in Jordan, between contentment and lack thereof.

Professor Suzanne Dries and Professor Stevie Kraemer of the University of Applied Sciences of Newbrandenburg presented a scientific paper entitled Work prospects for refugees in rural areas: The role of society and service organizations.

Hekmat Goller of the University of Potsdam also presented in his paper entitled Integration of Refugee and Asylum-Seeker Professionals in the Labor Market: Ability to Commitment Versus Barriers to Integration.

Dr. Max Stephenson Jr., Dr. Renad Abbad and Patricia Barrera from Virginia Tech University, and Dr. Mudassir Abu Karaki from Al Hussein Bin Talal University presented a paper entitled Diagramming the Effects of Covid-19 on Entrepreneurship for Refugees.

Dr. Aida Mamuji and Dina Miqdadi from York University in Canada and Dr. Gendy Nohair from the US QED Foundation presented a paper entitled: Syrian Refugees Looking for Employment: Labor Market Experience and Integration Support Programs in the Greater Toronto Area.

And in the second session, which was titled Higher Education and Academic Displacement: An Ongoing Debate, in which Dr. Hakan Ergin from Istanbul University presented a paper entitled: Syrian Students and Scholars in Turkish Language Universities: Burden or Opportunity?

Dr. Mark Johnson College of Education - University of Wisconsin-Madison presented a paper entitled "From Distance Education in Emergencies" to "Effective Hybrid Learning": Higher Education in Jordan.

Najmuddin Bakari from the Center for International Peace and Stability, Islamabad, presented a paper entitled: Displacement, Integration and Cross-Cultural Crossing: An Analysis of Refugees in Germany.

Hanna Grunwald, Ahmed Amin and Michael Kleiss presented a paper entitled: Integration through Language and Higher Education, Early Collocation Methods - Assessment of Language Proficiency and School Talent.

Professor Petul Yarar and Professor Yasmine Karakasogel of the University of Bremen and Professor Aital Watsala of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg Schweinfurt (FHWS) presented a paper entitled: Exiled Scientists in Higher Education System in Germany: Experiences and Prospects.

And in the third session, entitled Health and Psychological Support, which was moderated by Dr. Sahar Al-Makhmarham from the German-Jordanian University, in which Dr. Zahira Zahra Maknat, from Global Health Justice University and Columbia University presented a paper entitled: Treating Any Infectious Diseases Among Urban Refugees in the East Middle and North Africa - Scope Review, Dr. Anindita Dasgupta and Dr. Nabila Al-Basil from the University of Jordan - Faculty of Medicine, and Ms. Terina Mukherjee from Columbia University, School of Public Health, research paper entitled: Care Barriers: Factors Associated with the Unmet need for Mental Health Care Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan ,

Dr. Alex Maximilian Keeler and Dr. Rahim Hajji from the University of Magdeburg-Stendhal presented a paper entitled: Mental health of refugees in Germany,

Dr. Louis Turner from the University of Newcastle presented a paper entitled: Involving Syrian men in the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, while Dr. Barbara Brautigam and Amir Nejad from the University of Applied Sciences Newbrandenburg presented a paper entitled: It is more than I can manage “- Psychosocial counseling for refugees in Mecklenburg - Vorpommern, while Dr. Firdaws Al-Issa from Bethlehem University presented a paper entitled: Self-efficacy as a mediator of traumatic events for Palestinian refugee children living in Bethlehem refugee camps.

The conference will continue in its second part on the 17th of this month.


The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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