
Yarmouk University concludes its fourth international conference on refugees

The Participants in the Fourth International Conference on Refugees, which concluded its work at Yarmouk University, titled “Protracted displacement - hopes, aspirations and solutions,” which was organized by the university via remote visual communication technology, through the Center for Studies of Refugees, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration, recommended a review of the social contract Of refugees and displaced persons, as well as a review of the Jordanian response plan to the Syrian crisis in light of the Corona pandemic.

The participants also called on the European Union to preserve the issue of refugee protection and to provide the necessary means of support, to strengthen the human rights dimensions in the response to the emerging corona virus, and to strive to ensure that policies, practices and discussions related to migration management take into account the specific protection needs of asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons, and the necessity Recognition of the legal framework in place to meet these needs.

The participants also recommended the necessity to assist countries and partners in meeting the challenges related to the management of immigration and asylum, taking into account protection concerns, determining migration of children and related developments affecting children under the mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Participants also stressed the need to support strengthening governance and taking into account the universal character of human rights, including the rights of all people on the move regardless of their legal status, in ways that reinforce the principles and practice of international refugee protection.

The conference had discussed, in its three sessions, which were held simultaneously yesterday, many themes and issues related to asylum and displacement issues and their repercussions.

In the first session, which was moderated by Dr. Carsten Wallenner from the Eldad Foundation, it was titled The Contested Areas: Local Governance, Civil Society and Armed Bodies in North and East Syria, in which Mrs. Shaylan Ali spoke through a paper titled The Disputed Areas: The Judgment Local, civil society and armed actors in northern and eastern Syria.

Dr. Fawaz Al-Momani, Dr. Tamara Al-Yaqoub, Dr. Rasheed Al-Jarrah from Yarmouk University, Dr. Sarah Tobin and Dr. R. Knudis from the Human Rights Center - Michelsen Institute - Norway, and Dr. Benjamin Itzold from the Bizen International Center in Germany, spoke in a paper entitled The Protracted Displacement of Syrian Refugees In Jordan: Future Intentions.

Mrs. Aroub Al-Abd from the Lebanese Studies Center / Lebanese American University presented a paper entitled Spillover among the Diverse Refugees in Jordan: What are the Social and Economic Rights?

Sarah Goer, Zard Monet, Dr. Ling San Lau, Yusra Al Salman, and Dr. Julen Smarimax of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health presented a paper titled Transcending Uncertainty: Accountability in Human Practice.

In the second session, titled Sustainable Solutions and Media: in which Dr. Hadeel Fadela from Bir Zeit University presented a paper entitled: The Return of the Palestinians After 1994: Policies or Services?

Iman Al-Omari and Dr. Ayat Nashwan from Yarmouk University presented a paper entitled "Factors Affecting the Decision Making for Syrian Refugees to Return to Jordan."

Dr. Moaz Al-Mawla from the University of Hafr Al-Batin in Saudi Arabia presented a paper entitled Permanent Solutions for Refugees, Voluntary Return, Settlement and Integration, Prospects and Challenges.

Mrs. Chafia Boughaba, Mr. Ahmed Amin and Mr. Salah El-Din Boujelal from the University of Setif 2 - Algeria presented a paper entitled: Reuniting the Arab family dispersed due to armed conflicts: between international law facilitations and the requirements of domestic laws.

Dr. Farhan Alimat and Mrs. Louzan Obaidat from Yarmouk University presented a paper entitled: Media and Communication Reality in the Syrian Refugee Camps in Jordan: The Zaatari Camp is a Model.

Dr. Safaa Subuh from Al-Hussein Bin Talal University presented a paper entitled Democratic, Social and Economic Characteristics of the Syrian Refugees in the Northern Governorates, a Study in Economic Geography.

And in the third session, which was titled The Practice of Social Work: Visions and Needs, which was moderated by Dr. Rowan Ibrahim from the German Jordanian University, in which Ms. Mays, an assistant from the Institute of International Law for Peace and Armed Conflict, presented a paper entitled: Access Extended: The Life of Yazidi Women Survivors of the Islamic State Organization in Germany, and Dr. Muhammad Tabishat from Dhofar University - Amman, who presented a paper entitled: Refugees, Social Work and the Ethnography of Displacement: An Opportunity for Learning,

Dr. Abeer Musleh from Bethlehem University presented a paper entitled: Building Community Resilience: Reflection on Community Development with the Practice of Refugees in Bethlehem, and Dr. Sahar Al Makhamrah from the German Jordanian University presented a paper entitled: The Host Refugee - Focuses on Society - The Approach: An Insight into Teaching Social work in Jordan.

 It is noteworthy that this conference was held in cooperation with the German Jordanian University, the Syrian Jordanian Education Program, the Academics Program in Solidarity at the Free University of Berlin, the German Agency for International Cooperation, the German Exchange Agency, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and with the support of the German University Project Office at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, And the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and the European Union.


The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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