
“Refugee Center at Yarmouk University” participates the activities in U.S.-Jordanian University Cooperation Network

Yarmouk University participated in the scientific conference via the Center for Refugee, Displaced and Forced Migration Studies. The conference is organized by the University of Jordan as a part of the U.S.-Jordanian University Cooperation Network under the PULSE project which is launched in the second base of its 2022 program that entitled “New Orientations in Cooperation between American and Jordanian Universities for Sustainable Development”.
       The participation of Yarmouk University in the session of asylum, displacement and forced migration issues is included at the contribution axis of the “Refugee Center” in providing social integration services for refugees.
     The director of the center, Prof. Reem Al Kharouf presented a detailed presentation on the specialized projects and studies which the center is working on. Thus, this contributes in raising the efficiency and skills of refugees, supporting the decision-maker in developing comprehensive strategies and policies. This leads to reaching treatments and solutions based on the analysis and the careful link between the reality of the situation and the pace towards the future. Also, this  supports the strategic plans of governments so that the refugee is transformed from a dependent person to an efficient person and then to be a contributor to the production and development. 
The conference, which lasted over two days, discussed a number of topics which are related to future trends in cooperation between American and Jordanian universities and other topics such as innovation in university education, agriculture, technology and artificial intelligence. Also, other topics related to sustainable development goals are discussed, such as asylum, energy, climate change and the challenges that face the achieving these goals.

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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