
Yarmouk University's "Refugees Center" Initiates a Series of Specialized Training Workshops as Part of the Winter School Activities

Yarmouk University's the Refugee’s, Displaced Persons, and Forced Migration studies center, in collaboration with Zain for Innovation Company, has begun implementing a series of specialized training workshops for a group of Jordanian and refugee students as part of the "Winter School" activities.

 Dr. Ruba Al-Akesh, the director of the center, stated that these training workshops align with the university's vision and the strategic goal of the center related to raising awareness, serving the local community, and enhancing the students' leadership skills in refugee issues. She added that the idea behind the Winter School is to guide students in investing their time in issues that enhance their skills, thus preparing them for the job market.

 Al-Akesh noted that these training workshops, which started on the 30th of last month and continue until the 11th of December, are held twice a week in the "Edu Box" educational laboratory on the university campus, a product of the partnership between Yarmouk University and University of Twente in the Netherlands, and in the ZINC hall in the Deanship of Students Affairs.

 She continued, "The aim of these training workshops is to equip students with the necessary skills to qualify them for the job market, raise awareness, and educate them about certain societal issues, while providing a supportive environment for creativity and innovation in various fields."

 It's worth mentioning that the training topics include resume writing skills, social media platform management, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, IELTS exam preparation, solid waste management, climate change, refugees in focus, and scientific research methods. This school has provided education to more than 350 participants at the Yarmouk University.

These courses are delivered by a group of specialized trainers in their respective fields: Fares Al-Shamali and Noor Ajlouni from Zain Telecommunications' Sustainability and Communications Department, Dr. Ayman Jaradat from the Civil Engineering Department at Al-Hijawi College of Technological Engineering, Dr. Saleh Bzzi, head of the Studies and Research Department at the center, and Dr. Sarah Al-Zghoul, from the Business Administration Department in the College of Business.

The Law Faculty, as an independent entity, commenced its function in September 1999. It succeeded the Law Department, which was established in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

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